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Orlandino qual tratta darme e damor per Limerno Pitocco da Mantua composto. Et con gratia novamente impress. 1527

FOLENGO, Teofilo (1491-1544)

  • Publisher: Girolamo Soncino
  • Location: Rimini
  • Date: 1527
  • Size: 8vo
  • Seller SKU: 20

8vo (155x111 mm). LXVI leaves. Collation: A-P4 Q6. Title-page printed in red and black within an elaborated woodcut frame. Half-page woodcut vignette on l. II (showing Berta and Milone), the same used in the 1526 editions of De Gregori and Da Sabbio with some retouching. On the front pastedown bookplate of the booksellers from Barcelona "La Anticuaria Libreria de Llordachs Hermanos". 19th-century stiff vellum, red edges. Title-page soiled, some foxing and browning, ink and damp stains on a few leaves, tear on l. XIX with no loss, round worm hole in the outer margin of the first thirty leaves not affecting the text, pin worm hole in the first twenty leaves that slightly affects the title-page border, the frame of the woodcut on the following page and a few letters. All in all a good copy. On last leaf recto ownership's entry by a certain Eliezer bar Silomo Debauzo (?); at the verso two notes in Hebrew.

THE PRESENT is the last edition printed by Soncino in Italy before moving to Constantinople. It is the third of eight editions of Orlandino published in the 16th century. The first edition of the poem was printed in Venice on July 1526 for the bookseller Niccolò Garanta by Gregorio de Gregori, followed a few months later by another edition, also issued for Niccolò Garanta, by the da Sabbio brothers, which also includes a reprint of Folengo's Chaos.

Orlandino is a poem in octaves, which narrates the early years of Orlando, fitting into the semi-popular tradition of the 'cantari' dedicated to the childhood of the hero. The poem is basically divided into two sections: the background (Berta and Milone, Orlando's parents, falling in love) occupies six books, while the hero's deeds are narrated in the seventh and final canto. Soncino's edition omits a few stanzas of the seventh canto and the entire eighth canto, which contains an anti-clerical tale on the fake abbot Griffarosto.

Orlandino is a harsh satirical work written in a hurry under a mood of indignation, not a long-meditated book such as the Baldus; a book in which the characters profess religious views tinged with Protestantism, reject papal authority, deride the sacrament of confession, and thunder against the sale of indulgences. It is a book apparently composed in three months ("mensibus tribus indignatio istud opus fecit", as stated in the preliminary verses) and dominated by a bitter spirit, which often overwhelms the comic skills of the author (cf. T. Folengo, Orlandino, M. Chiesa, ed., Palermo, 1991).

Teofilo Folengo, born Girolamo, was a native of Mantua. He entered the Benedictine order in 1509. In 1525 he was dispensed from his vows and, along with one of his brothers, led a wandering life, before deciding to return to the church. He was re-admitted to the order around 1534, after four years of penance in which he lived as a hermit.

In 1526 Folengo published in Venice two profane works, the Orlandino and the Chaos of Triperuno. In 1533 he wrote the religious poem, L'umanità del figlio di Dio, with the intention to redeem his past secular publications. In 1538 he was sent to Sicily near Palermo, together with many others monks from Mantua, eg Benedetto da Mantova, who between 1537 and 1539 composed the famous Beneficio di Cristo. Folengo wrote also a sacred representation, the Atto della Pinta, which was repeatedly staged. In 1542 he returned to the Veneto region. He died on December 9, 1544.

His masterpiece remains however the poem Baldus published together with other works in macaronic Latin under the title Opus Merlini Cocaii Poetae Mantuani Macaronicorum (first edition Venice 1517, best edition Toscolano 1521) (cf. Teofilo Folengo nel quinto centenario della nascita, Atti del Convegno, 1991, Florence, 1993).

USTC, 830143; Edit 16, CNCE42923 (1 copy at the Biblioteca nazionale Marciana in Venice); OCLC, 249563354 (1 copy at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin); M. Sander, Le livre à figures italien, Milan, 1942, I, no. 2834; Catalogue des livres composant la Bibliothèque de M. Giuseppe Cavalieri à Ferrara, Florence, 1908, no. 765; G. Melzi & P.A. Tosi, Bibliografia dei romanzi di cavalleria in versi e in prosa italiani, Milan, 1865, p. 192; G. Manzoni, Annali tipografici dei Soncino, Bologna, 1886, III, pp. 125-127, no. 134 (Manzoni says he was never able to see a copy of this book); A. Nuovo, La parte volgare del catalogo di Gershom Soncino, in: "L'attività editoriale di Gershom Soncino, 1502-1527. Atti del convegno (Soncino, 17 settembre 1995)", G. Tamani, ed., Soncino, 1997, pp. 73 and 92-93; E. Sandal, Indice cronologico delle edizioni latine e volgari di Girolamo Soncino (1502-1527), in: "Op. cit.", p. 151, no. 110.

Offered by Govi Rare Books LLC

Govi Rare Books LLC
My main fields of interest are manuscripts, incunabula and 16th century books. A thorough understanding of classical languages (particularly Latin) and of the main languages of Western culture (English, Italian, French, Spanish and German) allows us to deal with books and to utilize the scientific publications printed in these languages. After graduating in classical studies at the University of Bologna, I have deepened my knowledge in the field of antiquarian books, attending courses at the École de l'Institut d'Histoire du Livre of Lyon, concerning physical bibliography and printing types, and at Merton College in Oxford on the study of paper. I have been for several years committee member and treasurer of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of Italy and, from 2010 to 2015, its president. I am currently a member of the ILAB's committee and the secretary to the Breslauer prize for bibliography.
Contact the Seller
Fabrizio Govi
c/o Julia Stimac
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